Our project has changed to be a shared bloackboard application. the application will feature a "Client" and "Server" role for the same application on each individual device. This will allow seperate colors to be drawn on the same field at the same time and it will differentiate the users. We will use bluetooth to handle the communication between handhelds.
Here is a beta screenshot of the interface. With most of the draw and scroll code complete we are now focusing on the bluetooth communication.
Our project works like a blackboard, adding to it Bluetooth communication between two Android phones. Basically, what it does is that whatever one user draws on one phone both will view it and vice versa.
The software is almost done and we will implement the bluetooth to it and run it.
We did design a scratch plan for the Game of Life and presented it in class. The game is still under formation and many suggestions were made on what if we can email the game to someone else so that person can play the game and many others.
Suleyman and I are working on finding other interesting solutions to implement this game as a final application.